Terms and Conditions | Club Sim
General Terms and Conditions

86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service Terms & Conditions

  1. 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service constitute service packs under the Communication Pack available from Club SIM, a service provided by CSL Mobile Limited. By downloading, installing, subscribing to and/or accessing 86-Easy or 86-Easy Plus Service, you agree to be bound by the “Club SIM General Terms & Conditions” (please see: www.clubsim.com.hk), as well as these Terms & Conditions and other such Terms & Conditions as we may designate periodically.
  2. 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service fees payable are subject to change periodically. You will be charged the fee prevailing at the time of subscribing.
  3. The 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service validation period is one (1) month from the date of your first or subsequent subscription (as the case may be).
  4. If the 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service auto-renewal function is activated, 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service will be automatically renewed on a monthly basis on expiry of the validation period, until you terminate the auto-renewal function. The monthly charge payable will be automatically paid by your designated credit card.
  5. When you subscribe and complete real-name registration to 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service, you will be randomly allocated a mainland China mobile number (“PRC Mobile Number”), without any SIM card. This PRC Mobile Number cannot be ported-out to another mobile operator.
  6. Customers can receive Short Message Service (“SMS”) and send SMS to applicable service providers in mainland China, as well as mobile numbers provided by mobile service providers in mainland China via the PRC Mobile Number on the Club SIM mobile app. Applicable service providers in mainland China may be subject to change periodically. Customers will be able to receive incoming calls and make outgoing voice calls to applicable phone numbers from mainland China using the PRC Mobile Number via the opened Club SIM mobile app. The service portfolio contains a specified usage entitlement (voice call feature not applicable to 86-Easy service). Once you have used up all the selected service combinations, you will no longer be able to use them until you top-up your service portfolio entitlement. Generally, under the basic plan, customers may send SMS via the PRC Mobile Number every month. The service portfolio contains specified usage entitlement, which will be reset on the first day of each month. of this 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Services Pack is one (1) month from the date of your subscription . Once the monthly entitlement has been consumed, you may no longer send SMS via the PRC Mobile Number for the remainder of the month concerned. Once inbox capacity is reached, you may no longer send SMS via the PRC Mobile Number, until you top-up your service portfolio entitlement.
  7. Each call’s duration is rounded up to full charge unit for computation purposes. Each full charge unit is based on a per minute airtime charge.
  8. The 86-Easy service combination contains a specified SMS send-out entitlement of 10 and does not support a voice call function. The 86-Easy Plus service combination contains a specified SMS send-out entitlement of 30, plus voice call minutes or minutes for receiving voice calls. Usage limit is one month. The monthly entitlement will be reset on the first date of each month. Any remaining usage will be forfeited without any form of refund.
  9. This service can only be used in mainland China and Hong Kong.
  10. Customers can use mobile data or wireless Internet access to receive and send SMS via the Club SIM app to mainland China service providers and mainland China mobile phone numbers. Applicable mainland China service providers may change periodically. Customers can make or receive calls to mobile phone numbers via the Club SIM app.
  11. Customers can choose to purchase 86-Easy Service or 86-Easy Plus Service with a Club SIM phone number by using the same Club SIM account.
  12. Customers are responsible for deleting and backing up their SMS periodically, as they deem necessary. We will not be liable in any way in relation to any loss or irretrievable SMS or data. When this 86-Easy or 86-Easy Plus Service is terminated, the assigned PRC Mobile Number will be deemed to be surrendered by you with immediate effect, and you will not be able to view or retrieve any SMS via the PRC Mobile Number using the Club SIM mobile app.
  13. Customers applying for service must prepay the service plan and any other fees required by the company. Prepaid fees will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  14. Save and except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the company shall not be liable for any cost, claim, expense, damage or loss of whatsoever nature suffered, sustained or incurred by the customer or any person arising from, or out of, or relating to provision of the services, value-added services and/or service features offered under the services including without limitation (i) Any interruption or failure of the services, the value-added services and/or the service features, or (ii) Any failure, delay or mistake in establishing communication between the customer and any other person, or (iii) Any failure or delay while the customer is communicating any message when using the services; or (iv) Any failure or delay in activating or deactivating the services, or (v) Any unauthorized use of the communication equipment.
  15. You shall be bound by such additional Terms & Conditions promulgated by us in relation to the 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service. We may amend provisions of these “86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service Terms & Conditions”, the “Club SIM General Terms & Conditions” and/or other relevant Terms & Conditions at any time by publishing an updated version on any Club SIM or affiliate’s website or mobile app. By continuing to use 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service, you will be deemed to have accepted the updated provisions and be bound by them.
  16. Customers must log into the mobile app and make sure to turn on “Notifications” in “Settings”.
  17. Some services including Google account, 86-Easy Plus, 86-Easy Plus and inbox do not work with Huawei HMS devices.
  18. We reserve the right of final and binding determination in the event of dispute in relation to 86-Easy and 86-Easy Plus Service.
  19. We reserve the right to amend these Terms & Conditions periodically.

PRC Mobile Number Application Form

PRC Mobile Number Service (“Services”)

The above-mentioned Services carry a PRC Mobile Number provided by Zhejiang Lianlian Technology Company Limited (“Lianlian”). Lianlian is required under the law/regulations of the People’s Republic of China to collect identity information from users of PRC Mobile Numbers. So in order to receive a PRC Mobile Number, you are required to register your identity for the PRC Mobile Number below. Before you complete and submit this application form, please read our “Privacy Statement” (links). In order to facilitate the purposes set out above and other purposes incidental thereto, CSL Mobile Limited may collect, retain, transfer, disclose, grant access to, or otherwise share your personal data provided in this form with the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong): (a) Zhejiang Lianlian Technology Company Limited (registered address: Room 320, Block 3, 1197 Binan Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China), its associated companies, affiliates, companies controlled by, or under common control of Zhejiang Lianlian Technology Company Limited or suppliers of its PRC Mobile Numbers and contractors (if applicable); and (b) The mainland Chinese Government or authorized agencies thereof.

Required information

A PRC Mobile Number will be assigned after you subscribe to an 86-Easy or 86-Easy Plus Service Hong Kong mobile number, using the same information you registered for the Club SIM app (as shown on identity document) to include your Hong Kong Identity Card or passport identification number.

Name (as shown on identity document): Same as the information you submitted via the Club SIM app.
Hong Kong Identity Card / Passport Identification number: Same as the information you submitted you submitted via the Club SIM app.

Address must be the same as the information you submitted via the Club SIM app. (if applicable)

Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents : Information must be submitted when you fill out this application form Permit Number


Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents :  Information must be submitted when you fill out this application form Permit Number

Applicant’s Hong Kong Identity Card/passport image:

Applicant has already submitted information to CSL Mobile Limited when applying for local mobile service subscription, or to be submitted as part of this application.

Applicant’s (1) A three-second video clip is required to collect and store a full frontal view of the applicant’s face and facial movement of choice – eg blinking, opening mouth or nodding, and (2) image of Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents or Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents: Applicant is required to submit at this application.

Applicant’s full name must be the same as the information you submitted via the Club SIM app.