Terms and Conditions | Club Sim
General Terms and Conditions

<Local Data Service Terms and Conditions>

  1. This Local Data Service is provided by us, CSL Mobile Limited, subject to the Club SIM General Terms and Conditions (available at www.clubsim.com.hk).
  2. The fees payable under this Local Data Service is subject to change from time to time and you will be charged the fee prevailing at the time of your subscription.
  3. If 4.5G No Contract Period Service and Local Data Service co-exist, 4.5G No Contract Period Service’s entitlement will start to be consumed once the Local Data Service’s entitlement runs out.
  4. The validation period of this Local Data Service is 90 days from the date of your subscription.  Any unused data entitlement will be forfeited after the end of the validation period.
  5. The local mobile entitlement provided under your Local Data Service is for use in Hong Kong only.  When you have used up your data entitlement, you will not be able to access any services with the Local Data Service until you subscribe to another Local Data Service.
  6. If you subscribe additional data entitlement during the validity period, the validity period of your Local Data Service will be automatically extended for another 90 days, from the date of your subscription.
  7. The actual speeds you experience using Local Data Service are less than the specifications and will be affected by various factors, such as the device used, locations, network conditions and other extraneous factors.
  8. We may amend any provisions of this Local Data Service Terms and Conditions at any time by publishing an updated version on any Club SIM websites or mobile app.  By continuing to use Local Data Service, you will be deemed to accept the updated Local Data Service Terms and Conditions and be bound by them.